

Page history last edited by Michelle Bellah 15 years, 1 month ago







Interactive museum of news...



NYPL Digital Gallery-- search for digital media

THIS WEBSITE helps to fulfill the traditional mission of The New York Public Library to select, collect, preserve and make accessible "the accumulated wisdom of the world, without distinction as to income, religion, nationality, or other human condition." It offers broad public access to a wide range of historical and cultural documents that "enable individuals to pursue learning at their own personal levels of interest, preparation, ability and desire, and help ensure the free trade in ideas and the right of dissent."


Lots of primary source material.




This Day in History 



Read.Write.Think--- 3-5 --- Resources

America's Story From America's Library   


America's Story from America's Library is created by the Library of Congress. Games, activities, and a reading list are added to historical collections featured in the Library of Congress.



Instructional Resources, Student Resources 

Create a book cover




Creating family timelines -- 3-5--- Renee Goularte-- teaching kids to become learners.

Create own books with math equations.--- making book


Arts Edge

Stormy weather

Lessons -- Technology (5-8) Missing Masterpieces Webquest---


Weblinks--- NY Philharmonic: Kids Zone 




Kids Stories-

Planets Song 



Recommended Links--- Hyperhistory online--- People--- columbus--- or events


Science Netlinks

Podcasts: resources---nature of technology k-2--- boston museum of science--- create (at the top)


Tools---3-5--- A Touch of Class----



Esperanza Rising-- lesson


Smithsonian's History Explorer


american history--activities for kids-- invention at play


Puzzle Blocks--


Tinker ball 




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