  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.

  • You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!


Web Resources

Page history last edited by Michelle Bellah 14 years, 6 months ago

  Web Resources...


Visual Field Trips - Webcam Feeds for Classroom Viewing--


This is a great list of webcam broadcasts for the classroom. They are categorized by topic: animals, landforms, geography/travel, history/social studies, and science.


The Ultimate Guide to Google Knol: 50+ Tips and Tricks

By Jessica Merritt

Like Wikipedia without the anonymity, Google Knol is turning into an excellent resource for both researchers and experts alike. It offers information consumers a platform for finding encyclopedia-like articles written by experts, and a place for these experts to write said articles. Read on to learn how you can make the most of this useful new tool. 

Tech Savvy Educator---


Game Show Templates:


Download the templates and modify the games to fit your curriculum needs. 

Game templates for PowerPoint allow you to take review questions and answers and turn them into fun classroom activities.
Great site with games, puzzles, and many templates:
PowerPoint Activities

The following links include templates and examples of Jeopardy, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, and Hollywood Squares games and other lesson ideas that were created using PowerPoint. This one even has some directions---

The Parade of Games provides educators and trainers with easy-to-assemble educational games to support key learning points. The site demonstrates the creative use of popular game shows and other familiar games to reinforce learning.

Spelling City: 


SpellingCity is a fun new educational site that can help children improve their spelling skills:

-  contains over 25,000 words, including plurals, contractions, future and past tenses

-  uses a REAL human voice that says both the word and the word in a sentence

-  a 'Teach Me' function that spells out the word using both visual and auditory input to improve retention

-  teachers and parents can enter and save their own spelling lists for their students/children

-  students can play games with their words or any saved lists

-  teachers and parents can save and share their lists.

-  the forum allows teachers and parents to share lists and ideas



Pagebull: A visual website search engine. Also search for images and videos.


Copyright: What's right, what's not...


http://www.johnkyrk.com/ -- Cell Biology Animation site -- wonderful animated lessons


Wiz IQ -- create online learning communities and share files. Teach online.


The Jason Project

A nonprofit subsidiary of the National Geographic Society, JASON connects young students with great explorers and great events to inspire and motivate them to learn science. Its core curriculum units are designed for 5th – 8th grade classrooms but are flexible enough to be adapted for higher or lower grades.


"Interactives" provides educators and students with strategies, content, and activities that can enhance and improve students' skills in a variety of curricular areas.


Quintura for Kids -- the first VISUAL search engine for the youngest web users. Quintura helps to find kids-related information on the Web easily and interactively.


http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/kits/welcome.html -- Discovery Kits describe the basic scientific principles underlying the applied science and activities of NOAA’s National Ocean Service (NOS). Designed for educators and students at the high school level, they are written in non-technical language, and focus on the themes of oceans, coasts, and charting and navigation. Each Discovery Kit contains: a Tutorial, Roadmap to Resources, Lesson Plans, and media resources.


USA Today Education Online 


Virtual Manipulatives---http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/vlibrary.html


Online Resources--- Region 16 - These links are categorized.


Internet Sites of the Month January


My del.icio.us Bookmarks 


Teaching with the Web - This is an EXTENSIVE list with division by grade level. Wonderful resource!


Cells Alive - Explore cells with this interactive site! Ever wonder how big a dust mite is? Click on the link for How Big?


Tissues of Life  - Learn about the tissues of the human body with activities. 


Jerrie's Curriculum Hotlists  - Good list divided into subjects. Some pages have been updated this year and some have not.


Strategies for Using Technology Tools and the Internet in Your Classroom Curriculum  


Merriam Webster's Visual Online Dictionary  - More than 6,000 images!


The Fact Monster has a little of everything!


To Fact Monster


Education and training software developer Tribrio has launched a new site called TestDesigner.com that allows teachers

to create tests free and browse through a library of subject-specific assessments created by other educators.


Kate.net - Wonderful desktop backgrounds


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_anniversaries  Condensed List of historical anniversaries.


http://www.thinkfinity.org/ Thinkfinity -- Everything you need on one site!


EduHound Weekly: The Newsletter for Educators!  Weekly Newsletter for educators-- Wonderful Resources! There is also an Archive page!


Classroom Tools & Tips: EduHound's weekly Ed Tech Newsletter. You can subsribe and it will come right to your inbox!


NRICH is part of the Millennium Mathematics Project, based in Cambridge. The NRICH website publishes free mathematics enrichment resources for pupils of all ages, including discussion forums and a mathematics thesaurus.



CAST Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Book Builder                  See a Sample book here!


TeachersFirst.com--- Loads of Web 2.0 tools and resources. You can join and it's free!


 - Doing What Works is a website dedicated to helping educators identify and make use of effective teaching practices. Doing What Works contains practice guides developed by the Department’s Institute for Education Sciences that evaluate research on the effectiveness of teaching practices described in the guides. The website also contains examples of possible ways this research may be used, but not necessarily the only ways to implement these teaching practices.


Teaching composition? Then come to The Write! Place. This Web site from Curriculum Associates is full of free online writing activities,

printable graphic organizers and writing prompts, hundreds of practice lessons and plenty of Web links to correlated research, rubrics and more.

Further, teachers who submit a tip, motivational idea or success story about writing instruction receive a $50 gift certificate for the firm’s products.


 Social Studies:

Teaching with Historical websites... offers lesson plans and resources.


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