
Interesting Wikis and Blogs

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 9 months ago



 Wikis and Blogs for the Latest and Greatest!


Links to School Bloggers

This page has it all--- Blogs on Educational Blogging,  Classroom Blogs, Individual Student Blogs, Teacher Blogs, Parent blogs, Principal blogs, and Adminstrator blogs-- just to name a few!

David Warlick

David Warlick is a 30 year educator, author, blogger, and Web 2.0 programmer. Since 1981,

he has been using information and communication technologies to help people learn, young and old.

2¢ Worth -  

Teaching & Learning in the new information landscape…

Two chicks from Texas who love technology! Lots of great resources and podcasts!

TechChickTips.net -

David Jakes

is an Instructional Technology Coordinator in Chicago. David is very well known for his work in digital storytelling. We have been lucky to have him visit Region 16 and share his expertise with teachers in the panhandle. Everyone loves his workshops! Check out his blog...

Strength of Weak Ties


Will Richardson

This blog is dedicated to discussions and reflections on the use of Weblogs, wikis, RSS, audiocasts and other Read/Write Web related technologies in the K-12 realm, technologies that are transforming classrooms around the world. Will is a national advisory board member for the George Lucas Education Foundation, and presents all over the world.


Darren Draper 

"An avid educational technology enthusiast, I am a Technology Curriculum Specialist for Jordan School District. I love technology, when it works..."

Drapes' Takes

Teaching Blogs -

Teachers can use blogging as a tool for teaching, reflection, as well as communicating with students, parents, or other teachers.

Examples and Resources

Ubiquitous Thoughts

More recently, I (Mark van 't Hooft works for the Research Center for Educational Technology at Kent State University) have become very interested in the idea of ubiquitous computing for teaching and learning. As a former social studies and language arts teacher, I'm especially interested in ubiquitous computing in these two areas.

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