

Page history last edited by Michelle Bellah 13 years, 6 months ago


Back to School: 42 Digital Resources for Students & Parents - by Stephanie Buck


A list of tech tools, apps, social media posted by Mashable this past year. Great ideas and strategies!



Using the iPad in the Classroom


This page is for sharing resources for teachers, tutors, and parents that are integrating iPads into education.


I'll be archiving all posts in this area once a week so if you can't find it here, check out the Archive Posts page found in the menu to the right. 

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."

 -- Alvin Toffler 






What you'll find on this wiki....



Visit Technology Integration in Education



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Visit Classroom 2.0


Hopefully you will find some great resources here and if you HAVE any resources, please share! Some pages are open for editing and sharing of information.  Leave your "print" by adding resources for other teachers on the pages open to edit. Click on the EDIT PAGE button in the top menu bar on these pages. If you are asked for a password on shared pages, type in "learning."

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Created 11/2007





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