Creating our Future: Students Speak Up about their Vision for 21st Century Learning
On March 16, 2010 Project Tomorrow released the report “Creating our Future: Students Speak Up about their Vision for 21st Century Learning” highlighting the Speak Up 2009 K-12 student and parents results. The Speak Up 2009 survey represents the voices of more than 300,000 students nationwide and provides compelling evidence that our nation’s K-12 students are increasingly taking responsibility for their own learning in and out of school.
Julie Evans, Project Tomorrow CEO, shared selected national findings from Speak Up 2009 and discussed how students are seeking learning environments that incorporate these three essential elements:
*Social-based learning where students can leverage emerging communications and collaboration tools to create and personalize networks of experts to inform their education process.
*Un-tethered learning where students access technology-enabled learning experiences that transcend the classroom walls and are not limited by resource constraints, traditional funding streams, geography, community assets or even teacher knowledge or skills.
*Digitally-rich learning where students see the use of relevancy-based digital tools, content and resources as a key to driving learning productivity, not just about engaging students in learning.
The national reports that were released for the Speak Up National Research Project and Speak Up 2009 follow:
This website is based on the work of The 21st Century Learning Initiative, an international network of academics, researchers, policy makers and educators who are encouraging people to re-think our current systems of education.
Lots of resources and great ways to become involved.
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills has developed a unified, collective vision for 21st century learning that can be used to strengthen American education. The key elements of 21st century learning are represented in the graphic and descriptions below. The graphic represents both 21st century skills student outcomes (as represented by the arches of the rainbow) and 21st century skills support systems (as represented by the pools at the bottom):
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills is pleased to offer Route 21, a one-stop-shop for 21st century skills-related information, resources and community tools. To get started, take a tour or explore the P21 framework.
The items included in this database reflect the Partnership’s first step in collecting 21st century-skills related materials in one place. Great resources with many links to other sites.
In this podcast, T.H.E. Journal's Matt Villano discusses the issues involved in the teaching of 21st-century skills, the use of technology to facilitate learning, and the implications for how the teaching of 21st century skills will impact students' performance when they enter the workforce.
He's joined by Andrea Brands, director of public affairs at AT&T, and Allyson Knox, academic program manager for U.S. Partners in Learning at Microsoft Corp.
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